How to manage agency clients

How to manage agency clients

How to manage agency clients

Getting clients is awesome but how do you manage them after?

Tracking is an issue all agencies struggle with, so what’s the best way to manage your agency clients leads and sales with little effort?

The bad news is no tool has existed that automates this before…

The good news?

ClientView is the first and it lets you see all your clients and key metrics in real-time.

If you’re looking for the easiest way to manage all your clients and success metrics like leads and sales in one-place and get instant alerts on rising lead costs or broken integrations.

We invite you to try ClientView.

Traditional Client Tracking:

It’s crazy to think that a spreadsheet and manual KPI gathering is still the meta even for high performing agencies, some find ways to automate KPI tracking through a complex suite of zaps and softwares.

The traditional tracking sheet contains:

  • Client name
  • Client business name
  • Notes
  • Leads
  • Cost Per lead
  • Link to ad account for easy access

Every metric introduced adds a layer of complexity and additional effort. But what’s actually important?

Important metrics:

For you to manage your clients effectively you will want to be aware of a few key metrics.


  • Leads (Today)
  • 3 Day CPL (Average Cost per lead over 3 days)
  • 7 Day CPL (Average Cost per lead over 7 days)
  • 7 Day CRM reported leads
  • Conversion Rate (Leads / Unique Views x 100)

This let’s you know what direction your clients ads are going in, wether they are stable, getting better or they are getting more expensive over time.

The CRM column is important to know if the leads being generated on facebook or google are landing in their CRM.

If the leads generated from ads are far greater than what was seen in CRM, chances are an integration has broke.

If you use ClientView, this is done for you. ClientView automatically tracks ad platforms leads and CRM leads then alerts you if the integrations breaks.

Lead Nurture:

You can not improve what you do not track. If you send automated follow ups for clients leads then you will want to monitor a few key metrics:

  • Speed to lead - Time is takes to message a lead after opt-in
  • Response Rate - Percentage of leads who respond to your sequence
  • Positive Conversation rate - Out of all responses how many we’re positive?
  • Action rate - Out of all positive responses, how many went to the next step? (Booked call, etc)
  • Show Rate - If you run an appointment model than show rate is critical.

These data points highlight the effectiveness of your lead nurture campaigns and where to improve.

High response rate and low positive response rate means the messages are not sitting well with customers, are not clear, not related to offer enough or can be improved.

If you get a high positive response rate but low conversions this means the conversation framework can be improved, the way you communicate with leads.


How do we know if the leads we get our clients actually convert?

This ones tough because it relies on the client to update their pipeline.

To motivate your clients to update their pipeline try the following:

  • “Guarantee is exempt if you do not update pipeline”
  • “If you do not update your pipeline, we do not know what to improve”
  • “It is crucial you update your pipeline, otherwise the leads you pay for go into the void. Facebook doesn't learn and improve overtime and we’re unaware if leads convert or where they drop off. Its very important.”

To gauge the success of your work on the sales side can be done through two metrics:

  • Sales (Number of sales)
  • Revenue (Track each sales contract value)

If you use GoHighLevel ensure the contact has a value assigned before being dragged into “Sold” if you have an automation setup otherwise before or after is okay.

With these two metrics you can combine metrics to get the full picture.

  • CAC (Cost to acquire) = Ad spend / sales
  • Sale Rate = Sales / leads x 100
  • ROAS = Revenue / Ad Spend

These key metrics are invaluable to your agency clients performance. Tracking the right data is the difference between a superstar agency and one that goes under.

With the right data you make the right improvements and make sound decisions. Making your service far better than your competitions.

When to track?

The last thing I would note is to ensure to track leads every single day to know when to optimize ads, check the CRM integration every 3 days and rest every 7 days.

Before you go:

If you run ads for businesses and want to automate client result tracking, we’d love for you to try ClientView, free of charge.

ClientView automates client result tracking, allowing you see all your clients and key metrics like leads and sales in real-time.

Plus you get notified on rising lead costs or broken back-end integrations.

Track 5 client free today