3 Ninja Tactics For Getting Agency Clients

3 Ninja Tactics For Getting Agency Clients

3 Ninja Tactics For Getting Agency Clients

Here's a few strategies you can use to acquire new agency clients using organic methods.

We will not talk on traditional email marketing or cold calling but ninja tactics you can implement today that no one else really does.

let's get started.

1. Poles in the water

Adding more “Poles in the water refers to producing more “hooks” or ways to converting channels of traffic into customers.

You can visualize your industry as a large pond and your dream customers are here.

Our job as marketers is to produce multiple lines of bait to catch as many of them as possible.

More types of bait and more ways to channel customers into your “Boat” aka business increases the number of sales you can achieve each week.

Sometimes without much added effort at all.

This strategy works the best with paid traffic.

Once you crack paid advertising you generate thousands of impressions (Eye Balls) each day.

From experience working with a company which spends six figures on advertising each month...

Roughly 50% of scheduled calls are attributed directly from paid ads and the remaining 50% are organic, a subsidiary of running paid traffic.

We know this because when ad spend increases, so do all other organic channels in unison.

Here are the most profitable “Poles” you can lay to make the most of your paid efforts.

1. Social Media:

Some key platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Youtube (Long Form Content) and Facebook Groups.

Facebook groups can also be built inside MightyNetworks, Discord, Shool, Etc.

I am sure Linkedin, TikTok and other platforms can be powerful as well but I’ve seen these strategies work best on Instagram and Facebook, most likely due to the fact we run paid ads form these platforms.

Leverage Social Media:

Link Directory In Bio:

  • Use a custom funnel or tool like LinkTree to create a link directory. Customers visit your social in all phases of the customer journey. Sometimes in discovery, some saw and ad and want to find your free resources, etc
  • Create a directory of sites that lead to capturing contact information in exchange for value ONLY do not waste traffic, attention or clicks.
  • All roads must lead to capturing contact info or guiding to some type of profitable conversion.
    • Downloading a lead magnet
    • Accessing a free course
    • Signing up for free training
    • Scheduling a demo or strategy call
    • Seeing case studies or success stories
    • Consuming a podcast
    • Joining a newsletter
    • Registering for a challenge
  • Social proof:
    • Highlights: Create a pinned highlight of forever updating testimonials, client success and impactful wins.
    • After every few add a call to action.  This way a customer shopping you will see the results you deliver, get excited, see a call to action and take it.
      • Call to action types?
        • Want the exact sales framework the last 3 clients used to achieve desirable result? Swipe up and DM us “Sales” to receive guide. (Generate conversations, always)
      • Always give first, you can try direct sales if you’d like. But free value will always spin up the most interest. Again, people are shopping you, their skeptical they want to discover the secrets. Give it to them.
    • Stories: Ensure you are consistently posting rounds of 2-5 client wins followed by a free give call to action that compliments the wins. (Then add all to the highlight)
    • Followers: The most profitable source of booking qualified paid calls is pursuing followers. Once someone follows your brand who is an obvious fit for your business.
      • Send them a direct message, spark a qualifying conversation, build report FAST and book a call.
      • Followers are a direct effect from running ads and providing value to your industry.

Now as you run ads on these platforms, you will generate a lot of attention.

  • Many will watch your pinned testimonials and this will become a passive lead generating source
  • Some will click link in bio and become a lead through other channels
  • Some will follow and you reach out.
  • Some will enjoy your content and reach out themselves

This creates 3-4 poles in platform. Continue across all other social platforms you can stay on top of.

2. Google

Branded paid search campaigns is one of the highest leverage strategies you can do.

When you run paid ads on instagram and facebook. You spin up a lot of attention from your dream customers. Most don’t interact instantly (50%) but many remember you.

They will either:

  1. Want to look into your company, reviews, site, etc
  2. Want to find the resource you we’re advertising

So they shop you on google. Make it easy for them to enter your world.

Target the following:

  1. Direct and related Keywords to the free give you advertise and link to it on search. So if they do not opt-in from facebook, they search it on google, see it and opt-in then.
  2. Branded keywords. Just your business name. Have it link to your website. Ensure you have an optimized website that is designed to capture conversions and showcase results.

3. Other

Depending on your niche, think through all possible poles you can cast into your industry.

  • New platforms
  • New groups
  • New partnerships
  • New SEO backlinks
  • Etc

Be a powerful presence in your dream customers lives across as many acquisition channels as humanly possible. Know when you bump ad spend you boost all organic channels alongside this.

2. Hacking Social

Allocate 10-20% of your marketing budget on “Organic growth”.

Social media for the most part is paid to win.

Organic impressions are insulting. You must pay to get seen, especially if you stand to financially gain from your content and brand.

Goes without saying. If you spend money to boost organic content. Please take time to make sure it’s good. Valuable. Worth sharing.

Or else you are only burning money.

Get the most of each post:

Spend $10-20 per post

10-20% of budget in the following countries - Views

80-90% in primary business locations - Engagement

The effect is 6-7 figure views from initial campaign (Social proof 1)

Then what follows is a ton of engagement from ideal customers.

Use this tactic to rapidly grow social without diluting your follower base.


You can hack social to vet high performing ads. You can post as much content as you’d like to social for free.

Once you find a post perform highly organically try boosting the post ID or the same piece of content with paid ads. 6/10 it’s a unicorn ad that will serve you for months to come.

3. Podcast Strategy

The podcast strategy I learned from my time at GymLaunch and is quite genius.

The idea is to create a podcast for your industry.

In the case of Gym Launch it was named "Gym Secrets" and was geared towards Gym Owners.

Here's how it works:

  1. Start a podcast for your industry under your brand.
  2. Cold call, email or message your dream customers
  3. Invite them on the podcast for an interview on their journey (People are flattered)
  4. Treat the podcast interview like a strategy call
  5. Highlight their key pain points and how you solve them at your company
  6. Invite them to a real sales call
  7. Book the call

Rinse and repeat this process.

This strategy works so well because if you are cold calling prospects this is the call they want to hear, it plays to their ego.

Who wouldn't want to be invited on a podcast to talk about themselves?

This gives you the perfect first impression.

Before you go:

If you run ads for businesses and want to automate client result tracking, we’d love for you to try ClientView, free of charge.

ClientView automates client result tracking, allowing you see all your clients and key metrics like leads and sales in real-time.

Plus you get notified on rising lead costs or broken back-end integrations.

Track 5 client free today