10 ways to create engagement

10 ways to create engagement

10 ways to create engagement

10 ways to create engagement:

Social media platforms have one goal which is keep users and acquire new ones.

They need engagement to do this.

Creators are rewarded for making engaging content that users share and interact with.

Because without engaged users, businesses have little attention to buy (Ads)

Their primary business model…

So the algorithm is designed to protect the interests of the social media platform.

How is engagement defined?

“A measure of human attention and interaction with a post/ad, then hovering over it, then pausing and reading it, then interacting by liking, sharing, commenting on it, and clicking it.”

So how do we cause engagement?

It’s good to note that we run pattern recognition processes when scanning our newsfeed.

We look for things that serve or threaten our interests, or anything out of the ordinary.

So, If you own a business, you must be very intentional with your content and ads:

You want to add value, entertain and cause engagement plus get customers all at the same time….

We need to look out for both our business and the platforms users.

Engagement Formula:

Extreme. Controversial. True. Net Positive

This is a great combination for engaging ads and content because it causes controversy and gets away with it because it’s helpful.

Below are 10 more frameworks to create engagement so you can better play to social algorithms.

25 Ways to Provoke Engagement:

Inverting Popular Belief:

Challenge widely accepted notions to spark curiosity and debate.

Example: “What if hard work isn’t the key to success?”

Countering Culture:

Offer perspectives that go against mainstream cultural norms.

Example: “Why hustle culture is damaging our mental health.”

Polarizing Opinion:

Take a strong stance on a divisive issue to incite discussion.

Example: “Why remote work is better than office work.”

Exposing Corruption:

Reveal hidden or unethical practices in industries or institutions.

Example: “The dark side of fast fashion.”

Extreme Truth/Transparency:

Share raw, unfiltered truths about personal or industry experiences.

Example: “Behind the scenes of influencer marketing.”

Disrupting Existing Order:

Propose radical changes to current systems or structures.

Example: “Why we should abolish traditional grading in schools.”


Share compelling personal stories or narratives that resonate on an emotional level.

Example: “How I overcame failure to build a successful business.”

Humor and Satire:

Use humor to address serious topics in a light-hearted way.

Example: “A day in the life of a tech addict.”

Asking Provocative Questions:

Pose thought-provoking questions to your audience.

Example: “What would you do if you had one week to live?”

Showcasing Contradictions:

Highlight contradictions in popular opinions or behaviors.

Example: “Why do we promote healthy living but indulge in junk food?”

Social Proof and Testimonials:

Share success stories and testimonials to build trust and engagement.

Example: “How our product transformed John’s life.”

Visual Storytelling:

Use compelling visuals and infographics to tell a story or convey a message.

Example: Infographic showing the impact of plastic pollution on marine life.

Interactive Content:

Create polls, quizzes, and interactive experiences.

Example: “Which productivity hack suits you best? Take our quiz to find out!”

User-Generated Content:

Encourage your audience to share their experiences or stories.

Example: “Share your most memorable travel adventure with us!”

Live Discussions:

Host live Q&A sessions or discussions on trending topics.

Example: “Join our live discussion on the future of AI in everyday life.”

Educational Content:

Provide valuable information and insights on niche topics.

Example: “The ultimate guide to starting a podcast.”

Behind-the-Scenes Content:

Give a peek into your process, work environment, or personal life.

Example: “A day in the life of a startup founder.”

Contests and Challenges:

Launch contests or challenges that encourage participation.

Example: “Join our 30-day fitness challenge and win exciting prizes!”

Collaborations and Influencers:

Partner with influencers or other brands to reach a broader audience.

Example: “Our collaboration with fitness expert Jane Doe to bring you the best workout tips.”

Addressing Common Pain Points:

Discuss and provide solutions to common issues your audience faces.

Example: “How to manage stress in a high-pressure job.”

Provocative Imagery:

Use bold and eye-catching images to draw attention.

Example: A striking photo of environmental devastation with a call to action on climate change.

Trend Analysis:

Discuss current trends and their implications for the future.

Example: “What the rise of cryptocurrency means for traditional banking.”

Contrarian Viewpoints:

Present alternative perspectives to commonly held beliefs.

Example: “Why failure is more valuable than success.”

Unexpected Comparisons:

Draw parallels between seemingly unrelated concepts.

Example: “What startups can learn from nature’s survival strategies.”

Provocative Data:

Use surprising statistics to highlight issues or support arguments.

Example: “Did you know 40% of food in the U.S. goes to waste? Here’s how we can fix it.”

Hope you find this valuable.


Tye Howatt

Co-founder & CEO, ClientView